How to Make Sure You Get the Perfect Photos While on a Cruise




Ismail Sirdah

Ismail Sirdah is a big fan of shooting photos in cruise ships. He enjoys taking photographs of different transport devices like helicopters, and boats, but he is a huge fan of cruise ships. Cruising is an amazing experience and he enjoys looking at photos that exhibit that passion. So what can Ismail Sirdah teach us about how to take amazing photos of cruise ships. Let’s look at some of the tips he recommends for amateur photographers.

Tell a story

Start off by ensuring that you know that this is your cruise. Instead of going for shots that everyone is fighting for, go for photos that paint a picture of your experience. Take shots of your cabin steward while he or she is delivering your breakfast, or focus on the champagne glasses that are in the dining area. This is what will show the story of your experience.

Let people know that you are on the cruise ship

You can take pretty images from the onboard lounge, but including some unique cruise elements in the storyline can add depth to the photo collection.

Have a mind of an artist

Just the way the human side is, a ship has a photogenic side. But there is no general rule of how to get the photogenic side. Take a tour and rely on your gut feeling. Look at the cruise ship like a creature. When you look at the ship with awe, you will conduct the energy of the ship to you and it will be filtered into your shots.

Choose the perfect timing to take shots

Depending on where you are, choose either the morning or the evening to take pictures. For instance, in the Caribbean, the magical hours are in the morning and the afternoon hours. Great pictures are well done with exciting light.

Be steady

Capturing a photo is like a practice in meditation. Avoid holding the camera too far away from your face. It is remotely possible to hold a camera in that position. You can use your natural tripod which is your nose or you can go to a third party if you have trouble holding the camera steady.

There are several choices in the market that are low cost and that can allow you to point and shoot. Go for a flexible tripod stand that can be adjusted in different ways to get a good secure mounting position.

Define your own space

Cruise ships are designed in a compartmental manner, which can make it frustrating to get a good shot of everything in a cabin. One can get trapped in the hallways, bathrooms or balcony, but you need to move and avoid being trapped in these areas.

Get out of the cabin and think of ways you can take a picture that is not restrictive to space. For instance, if you take pictures that describe the section between your eyeballs and your body height, you will have missed the space between your head and your toes. Take advantage of your altitude because cruise ships are full of different levels, both out and indoors. Go to the lower deck or go on the stairs and take some shots.

Remember that there is a lot that goes into amazing shots

Photography is about capturing the perfect shot; getting an image that stands out is not an easy feat and that is why professional photographers take several photos. You might end up taking hundreds of photographs and you may end up just taking one out of the pile. If you are packed with a good flash card, you can end up with a rapid photography session. Alternatively, instead of taking many shots of a particular moment, you can be focused and in tune with the moment as you just time one or two shots that are specific.

Be creative with your photography gear

Ismail Sirdah explains that it is important to find different ways of shooting on a cruise ship. You can become creative by even using a military-style kite where you suspend the camera. This will help you to take overhead shots from different perspectives. All the same, ensure that you take precaution because there can be natural forces that can work against you.

Even though cruise ships forbid people from having drones or kites on board, there are different ways that you can use to shoot cruise ships. You can use a GoPro to achieve this. A GoPro is a small compact device that is designed to get high-resolution footage both on land and in water.

You can also use a selfie stick to adjust the extension of the distance and widen the angle of the camera, a phone or a GoPro. Selfie sticks also come in handy when you want to take pictures in areas that are tough to reach like in a ship’s side view of the balcony. You can take overhead shots and other unique angles like a worm’s eye view. But keep in mind to you use the selfie stick in a respectable fashion.

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