Getting Around in New York – Advice From Mark Alvarado


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If you are heading to New York then there is a good chance that you are going to need to get around the city. This means that you need to research the best ways to get from A to B. With so many choices to make, you need to think carefully about how you can save yourself some money, but still get around with ease.

To help along the way,  Mark Alvarado San Francisco has put together a simple guide on how to get around in New York.


One of the most convenient ways to get around New York is to hail a taxicab. A few years ago it was thought there were as many as 13,000 taxi cabs in New York, which did not include the for-hire vehicles too. While they may be easy to find, you do need to know that they are expensive. A lot of your budget can easily be spent getting around the city via taxicab. 


If you are not too worried about using public transport, and you are keen to save some money during your trip, then you need to try the bus network. Inexpensive and easy to use, there is a wide range of routes in the city that you can travel on to get where you need to be. You can pay with card, tokens or the exact change, buses will not accept bills. You will also need to make sure that you confirm the number of the bus when you get on, as several routes can operate from one bus stop.

The Subway

One of the quickest ways to get across the city, and the best way to avoid any of the horrendous NYC traffic has to be the Subway. The second oldest subway system in the entire United States, this is a large and extensive transport system and comes with as many as 468 stations. Your best bet to ride the subway is to plan ahead. Look at the times and route that you need to take and always purchase a MetroCard before you travel. These are available at the subway station. You need to make sure that you are standing on the correct side of the platform, there are plenty of information signs that will point you in the right direction.

These are the top 3 ways to get around in New York, however, you should never ever forget that your own two feet are another way. There is so much to see in New York, that sometimes if you get out and walk, then you will find that you can see everything that is so great about this fascinating city, as well as saving yourself a bit of money too!

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