Everything You Need To Know Before You Become A Freelance Travel Writer



When it comes to becoming a travel writer on a freelance status, it can be excited to do all the research and jump feet first. The saying holds true that you can no expect your experience to be a replica of a highlight reel with someone else. Writing is hard work and adding the travel aspect and you have a new world to discover. So, here are some things to know about becoming a freelance travel writer from Colby Lee Burke.

Prepare for rejection

As a writer, you have to be prepared for the worse and that means being rejected for pieces you write or if you start your own brand, people accepting your work. In the beginning, to get your foot in the door, pitching to magazines or blog will help with your accreditation and ability to reach thousands of viewers. It can cause a lot of stress at first. You won’t be able to keep your passion alive if you don’t climb the rejection wall. You’ll overcome the rejection, but channel some thick skin now before becoming a travel writer.

Find a mentor

Having a mentor in the travel writing world who is a freelancer or was will be able to guide you through the process. More than often they will let you know what mistakes they made and how to avoid them. Often times they will pass along recommendations they cannot take on at the moment. It very essential when becoming a freelance travel writer to have another writer to look up to. Not to mention being a freelancer can be lonely. So, having others who understand what you are trying to accomplish can alleviate that loneliness.

Relationship building before pitching

Being new to freelancing will mean networking opportunities. You may spend your time sending out cold emails. And email after email may not get read or come with a reply. Here is a beginning tip, look for media meet-ups in your area that spark your interest to mingle with those that have a little more clout then yourself. Build relationships in person and over the internet before you send your pitching email. This helps because you know the person. They are not a stranger to you or vice versa. Use social media to find groups on Facebook or hashtags on Twitter and Instagram to see who you can build a loyal rapport with.

Don’t count on money overnight; have a side hustle

Colby Lee Burke stresses the point of not putting all your eggs in one income basket. Your bills will begin to pile up if you don’t have another income stream in the meantime. If you have a 9-5, it will be all about balance. Taking the time to balance both work projects can be stress, but it is doable. Choose work apps that keep you on track with writing on your off time. This can be very important when it comes to writer’s block. As many writers know, having writers block and hinder your cash flow. Try looking for promotional work that doesn’t take you away from the big picture.

In the end, starting out as a freelance travel writer is not an easy road. There is a lot of research that goes into but do not let it steer you from starting now. You can start writing today; just have realistic goals and stick to them. Begin building your portfolio now, making connections, joining groups or meet-ups. Remember to have a backup for income if you aren’t working a 9-5 job. The career path your take with freelancing can lead you to becoming a teacher, giving coaching lessons about starting up a freelance travel writing blog or consulting company. Have a clear end point before becoming a freelancer.

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